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  I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?

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Swilc Sans
Swilc Sans

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 I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Empty
PostSubject: I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?    I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2022 - 14:14

So basically I went to the Wish Granter, made a wish and then got teleported to the most random spot in the Agroprom Underground. I then went back to the Sarcophagus and finished the true ending where I destroyed the C-Con. Well after all that it teleported me back to Pripyat next to the ferris wheel aka next to the Pripyat stash. I also got a message saying that I need to find Doc's book, and that it is near here. Well I've looked at every relevant place for the book (all accesible ferris wheel cabs, the complete entirety of the soviet block where the stash's apartment is) and still nothing.

I would like to know, firstly, where that damn book is, and secondly, what do I have to do now? do I need to find the book to continue, or perhaps I need to speak to a certain character, because I am lost. Any help would be appreciated.
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 I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?    I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2022 - 14:28

There is a building where the Monolithians are (or were) "praying" around a weird structure. Look below. Things will make sense after that.
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Swilc Sans
Swilc Sans

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 I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?    I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2022 - 14:29

pchester wrote:
There is a building where the Monolithians are (or were) "praying" around a weird structure. Look below. Things will make sense after that.
The palace of culture? Yeah I've though of going there just now. Alright, i'll head there

I've already cleared it out a long time before, so it'll be easy.
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Swilc Sans
Swilc Sans

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 I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?    I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2022 - 21:16

Hey man, sorry for bothering you again, I just didn't want to make a new post entirely for this: I've been trying to figure this out for a while but I can't seem to get to the bottom of it, how do you get the special SKAT-15 M3 "Storm" version of the SKTA-15. I spawned this in when I was testing with the menu a long time ago and ever since I have no idea how you get it. I've also compared it's stats with every nanosuit and in terms of pretection, it's the best in the game. Oh and also, I don't want every single piece of info handed at me, that would dry the game out quickly, so could you give me a hint on how to get it, but don't make it too obscure, I want to actually get something, but also don't make it too obvious. Thanks for reading Stalker
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PostSubject: Re: I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?    I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2022 - 21:47

Hi Swilc Sans.
No problem. You don't need to do anything special, just follow the story and you will get it eventually. However, as you can tell from its stats, it is very much a 'late-game' item.
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 I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?    I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Icon_minitimeThu 24 Nov 2022 - 16:06


As far I remember, the third amelioration of the Skat15 is given by the trader in Great Swamp.

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PostSubject: Re: I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?    I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now? Icon_minitime

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I just beat the main SoC story in StalkerSoup, what now?
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