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 Artefact stats (values) in version 1.10018

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Artefact stats (values) in version 1.10018 Empty
PostSubject: Artefact stats (values) in version 1.10018   Artefact stats (values) in version 1.10018 Icon_minitimeSat 27 Apr 2019 - 1:41

inv_name = af_kristal_zp = The Gift
Impact = -150 %
Rupture = -150 %
Radiation = +500 %
Bullet Resistance = -150 %

inv_name = af_kristal_blue = Aquamarine
Inventory-Radiation = +250
Burn = -50 %
Electric Shock = -50 %
Chemical Burn = -50 %
Explosion = +77 %
Bullet Resistance = +72 %

inv_name = af_repei = Burr
Electric Shock = +20 %
Rupture = +14 %
Bullet Resistance = -8 %

inv_name = af_dummy_indilian = Indilian
Health-Restore = -3000 %
Impact = +40 %
Rupture = +40 %
Telepathy = +70 %

inv_name = af_dummy_djoker = Joker
Endurance-Restore = -400
Inventory-Radiation = +150
Impact = +30 %
Explosion = +30 %

inv_name = af_dummy_coal = Coal
Endurance-Restore = -300
Radiation = +35 %
Telepathy = +30 %

inv_name = af_dummy_seashell = Shell
Health-Restore = +300 %
Chemical Burn = +14 %
Bullet Resistance = -6 %

inv_name = af_dummy_mushroom = Mushroom artefact
Endurance-Restore = -51
Burn = -50 %
Electric Shock = -50 %
Chemical Burn = -50 %
Explosion = -50 %
Bullet Resistance = +35 %

inv_name = af_dummy_dumbbell = Kettlebell
Health-Restore = +850 %
Radiation-Restore = -31

inv_name = af_dummy_vertyshka = Pinwheel
Electric Shock = +65 %
Radiation = -20 %
Bullet Resistance = -8 %

inv_name = af_dummy_star_monolith = Star Monolith
Radiation-Restore = -50
Telepathy = +60 %
Bullet Resistance = -40 %

inv_name = af_dummy_quill = Igla
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Burn = +22 %
Impact = +18 %

inv_name = af_dummy_wool = Fire Wool
Health-Restore = +300 %
Burn = +35 %
Impact = -20 %
Rupture = +40 %
Explosion = -15 %

inv_name = af_dummy_bonanza = Octopus
Radiation-Restore = -7
Burn = +7 %
Impact = +60 %
Electric Shock = +7 %
Rupture = -7 %
Chemical Burn = +7 %
Bullet Resistance = -7 %

inv_name = af_dummy_mercury_ball = Mercury Ball
Health-Restore = +1000 %
Endurance-Restore = +300
Inventory-Radiation = +20
Radiation = -40 %

inv_name = af_dummy_bezi = Burning Leaves
Bleeding-Restore = -600 %
Chemical Burn = +35 %

inv_name = af_dummy_glow = Glow
Burn = +35 %
Rupture = -12 %
Radiation = -20 %

inv_name = af_dummy_node = The Knot
Inventory-Radiation = +7
Impact = -15 %
Explosion = -15 %
Bullet Resistance = +18 %

inv_name = af_kosi = Witch Spit
Endurance-Restore = +101
Bleeding-Restore = -400 %
Rupture = -35 %

inv_name = af_konishi = Konishi artefact
Satiety-Restore = -422916667 %
Electric Shock = +34 %
Radiation = +41 %
Telepathy = +28 %
Chemical Burn = +15 %

inv_name = af_star_paradox = Star Paradox
Radiation-Restore = -50
Burn = +20 %
Impact = +20 %
Electric Shock = +20 %
Rupture = +20 %
Radiation = +20 %
Telepathy = +60 %
Chemical Burn = +20 %
Explosion = +20 %
Bullet Resistance = +20 %

inv_name = af_hawking = Hawking K2
Rupture = +37 %
Radiation = +58 %
Explosion = +45 %
Bullet Resistance = +64 %

inv_name = af_element_zero = Element Zero
Endurance-Restore = -218
Inventory-Radiation = +3
Impact = +22 %
Electric Shock = +77 %
Explosion = +29 %
Bullet Resistance = +20 %

inv_name = af_kournikova = Kournikova
Health-Restore = -300 %
Satiety-Restore = -25000 %
Endurance-Restore = -55
Inventory-Radiation = +1
Radiation = +86 %
Chemical Burn = +46 %

inv_name = af_gold = Gold
Radiation = +6 %
Telepathy = +8 %

inv_name = af_xzs2x4 = xZs-2x4
Health-Restore = +420 %
Endurance-Restore = +45
Impact = +37 %
Rupture = +38 %
Bullet Resistance = -62 %

inv_name = af_zhadum = Z'ha'dum
Health-Restore = -500 %
Endurance-Restore = -44
Bleeding-Restore = +127 %
Telepathy = +95 %

inv_name = mushy_bigA = The Gift
Health-Restore = +200 %
Inventory-Radiation = +1
Impact = +4 %

inv_name = mushy_bigB = Radiated Mushroom
Inventory-Radiation = +3
Telepathy = +6 %

inv_name = mushy_bigC = Fly Mushroom
Satiety-Restore = +583 %
Rupture = +3 %

inv_name = mushy_bigD = Bluetop
Electric Shock = +5 %

inv_name = mushy_bigE = Fluoro Mushroom
Radiation = +8 %

inv_name = mushy_bigF = Death Cap
Health-Restore = +300 %
Endurance-Restore = +42

inv_name = mushy_bigG = Russula Sanguinaria
Health-Restore = -60 %
Bleeding-Restore = +20 %

inv_name = mushy_bigH = Caesier's Mushroom
Impact = +7 %
Rupture = +4 %
Explosion = +9 %

inv_name = mushy_small = Dark Knight
Bleeding-Restore = -20 %

inv_name = af_armor_1 = Skin
Inventory-Radiation = +2
Burn = +16 %
Chemical Burn = +18 %
Bullet Resistance = +3 %

inv_name = af_armor_2 = Scale
Health-Restore = +100 %
Bleeding-Restore = +153 %
Inventory-Radiation = +4
Burn = +20 %
Chemical Burn = +24 %
Bullet Resistance = +4 %

inv_name = af_armor_3 = Steel Scale
Health-Restore = +100 %
Bleeding-Restore = -67 %
Inventory-Radiation = +3
Burn = +24 %
Chemical Burn = +28 %
Bullet Resistance = +5 %

inv_name = af_armor_4 = Controller Scalp
Health-Restore = +100 %
Satiety-Restore = -917 %
Bleeding-Restore = -67 %
Burn = +28 %
Telepathy = +40 %
Chemical Burn = +15 %
Bullet Resistance = +6 %

inv_name = af_babka_1 = Mother's Beads
Endurance-Restore = +64
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Electric Shock = -15 %
Explosion = +5 %
Bullet Resistance = +3 %

inv_name = af_babka_2 = Grandmother's Beads
Health-Restore = +100 %
Bleeding-Restore = -67 %
Inventory-Radiation = +7
Explosion = +3 %
Bullet Resistance = +2 %

inv_name = af_babka_3 = Elder Beads
Health-Restore = +200 %
Radiation-Restore = -5
Bleeding-Restore = -133 %
Explosion = +8 %
Bullet Resistance = +4 %

inv_name = af_buliz = Cobblestone
Endurance-Restore = +13
Explosion = +3 %

inv_name = af_cry_1 = Electric Tears
Radiation-Restore = -6
Endurance-Restore = +16

inv_name = af_cry_2 = Fire Tears
Radiation-Restore = -20

inv_name = af_cry_3 = Chimera Tears
Health-Restore = -200 %
Radiation-Restore = -30
Bleeding-Restore = +153 %
Telepathy = +15 %

inv_name = af_dik_1 = Porcupine
Radiation-Restore = -40
Endurance-Restore = -18

inv_name = af_dik_2 = Electric Porcupine
Radiation-Restore = -50
Endurance-Restore = +91
Electric Shock = -10 %
Telepathy = +10 %

inv_name = af_dik_3 = Acidic Porcupine
Radiation-Restore = -55
Endurance-Restore = +100
Electric Shock = -10 %
Chemical Burn = +5 %

inv_name = af_dik_4 = Stone Porcupine
Radiation-Restore = -60
Endurance-Restore = +77
Electric Shock = +10 %

inv_name = af_kol_1 = Steel Kolobok
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Rupture = +7 %
Bullet Resistance = +2 %

inv_name = af_kol_2 = Titan Kolobok
Inventory-Radiation = +6
Burn = +4 %
Rupture = +9 %
Bullet Resistance = +3 %

inv_name = af_kol_3 = Diamond Kolobok
Inventory-Radiation = +4
Burn = +4 %
Rupture = +11 %
Chemical Burn = +7 %
Bullet Resistance = +1 %

inv_name = af_kol_4 = Sphere
Inventory-Radiation = +9
Burn = +5 %
Rupture = +14 %
Bullet Resistance = +3 %

inv_name = af_pudd_1 = Fire Dummy
Endurance-Restore = +27
Inventory-Radiation = +2
Burn = +5 %
Impact = +5 %
Electric Shock = -10 %

inv_name = af_pudd_2 = Shining Dummy
Endurance-Restore = +65
Inventory-Radiation = +3
Burn = +8 %
Impact = +9 %
Electric Shock = -15 %

inv_name = af_pudd_3 = Moonlight Dummy
Endurance-Restore = +91
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Burn = +10 %
Impact = +11 %
Electric Shock = -20 %

inv_name = af_pudd_4 = Pudding
Endurance-Restore = +18
Inventory-Radiation = +7
Burn = +13 %
Impact = +15 %
Electric Shock = +20 %

inv_name = af_simbion = Simbion
Endurance-Restore = -18
Bleeding-Restore = +56 %
Rupture = -15 %
Telepathy = +45 %

inv_name = af_spirit_1 = Soul Drops
Health-Restore = +350 %
Radiation-Restore = -7
Endurance-Restore = -16
Bleeding-Restore = -67 %

inv_name = af_spirit_2 = Fiery Soul
Health-Restore = +375 %
Radiation-Restore = -10
Endurance-Restore = -16
Bleeding-Restore = -133 %

inv_name = af_spirit_3 = Crystal Soul
Health-Restore = +400 %
Radiation-Restore = -15
Endurance-Restore = -16
Bleeding-Restore = -200 %

inv_name = af_spirit_4 = Fervent Soul
Health-Restore = +425 %
Radiation-Restore = -15
Endurance-Restore = +16
Bleeding-Restore = -300 %

inv_name = item_kolba_pustay = 'Mica' flask
Inventory-Radiation = +10

inv_name = item_kolba_siniy_poln = Rejuvenating flask
Health-Restore = +1000 %
Inventory-Radiation = +10

inv_name = item_kolba_orand_poln = Rejuvenating flask
Bleeding-Restore = -233 %
Inventory-Radiation = +10

inv_name = af_part_monolit1 = Modified Heart of the Poltergeist
Health-Restore = +700 %
Inventory-Radiation = +15
Burn = +10 %
Impact = +25 %
Electric Shock = -10 %
Rupture = -10 %
Telepathy = +20 %
Chemical Burn = -30 %
Explosion = +15 %
Bullet Resistance = +5 %

inv_name = af_part_monolit2 = Modified Heart of the Poltergeist II
Health-Restore = +900 %
Endurance-Restore = +91
Inventory-Radiation = +15
Impact = +25 %
Electric Shock = -10 %
Rupture = -10 %
Telepathy = +20 %
Explosion = +10 %
Bullet Resistance = +10 %

inv_name = af_water_flower = Water Flower
Satiety-Restore = -45833 %
Endurance-Restore = +545
Inventory-Radiation = +3
Electric Shock = -10 %

inv_name = af_water_flower1 = Purple Flower
Satiety-Restore = -45833 %
Endurance-Restore = +455
Inventory-Radiation = +10
Electric Shock = -10 %

inv_name = af_spiral = Spiral
Endurance-Restore = -55
Inventory-Radiation = +7
Burn = +20 %
Electric Shock = -20 %
Rupture = +20 %
Telepathy = -30 %
Bullet Resistance = +10 %

inv_name = af_eye_voron = Raven's Eye
Inventory-Radiation = +10
Burn = +20 %
Electric Shock = +15 %
Telepathy = -10 %
Chemical Burn = +10 %
Bullet Resistance = -7 %

inv_name = af_kamen_udachy = Success Stone
Health-Restore = +800000 %
Radiation-Restore = -800
Endurance-Restore = +18182

inv_name = af_babka_4 = Ancient Beads
Health-Restore = +200 %
Endurance-Restore = +18
Bleeding-Restore = -133 %
Inventory-Radiation = +11
Chemical Burn = -10 %
Explosion = +8 %
Bullet Resistance = +5 %

inv_name = item_isomorfhic_globe = 'Isomorphic' Globe
Inventory-Radiation = +20

inv_name = item_isomorfhic_camera_lens = 'Isomorphic' camera lens
Health-Restore = -100 %
Inventory-Radiation = +10

inv_name = enc_zone_izomorf_kristal = 'Isomorphic' Crystal
Health-Restore = +2 %
Satiety-Restore = +167 %
Endurance-Restore = +5

inv_name = enc_zone_izomorf_kristal2 = 'Isomorphic' Pseudocrystal
Health-Restore = +100 %
Radiation-Restore = -2
Satiety-Restore = +333 %
Endurance-Restore = +2
Bleeding-Restore = -3 %

inv_name = enc_zone_izomorf_cactus2 = 'Isomorphic' Cactus
Burn = +25 %

inv_name = art_izomorf_kompas1 = 'Isomorphic' Compass
Endurance-Restore = +16
Inventory-Radiation = +10
Burn = +5 %
Bullet Resistance = +5 %

inv_name = item_stalker_plastic1 = Plastique
Telepathy = -10 %

inv_name = item_stalker_plastique1 = 'Isomorphic' Plastique
Impact = +25 %
Electric Shock = +25 %
Telepathy = -50 %
Explosion = +25 %
inv_name = item_nauch_recomend = Recommendation

inv_name = af_medusa_emerald = Emerald Medusa
Impact = -50 %
Rupture = -50 %
Bullet Resistance = +4 %

inv_name = af_medusa = Medusa
Inventory-Radiation = +3
Bullet Resistance = +2 %

inv_name = af_cristall_flower = Stone Flower
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Bullet Resistance = +4 %

inv_name = af_night_star = Night Star
Inventory-Radiation = +10
Bullet Resistance = +6 %

inv_name = af_vyvert_emerald = Emerald Quirk
Rupture = +20 %
Bullet Resistance = -5 %

inv_name = af_vyvert = Quirk
Inventory-Radiation = +3
Impact = +2 %
Rupture = +2 %

inv_name = af_gravi = Gravi
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Impact = +5 %
Rupture = +5 %

inv_name = af_gold_fish = Goldfish
Inventory-Radiation = +10
Impact = +8 %
Rupture = +8 %

inv_name = af_drops = Droplet
Radiation-Restore = -5
Endurance-Restore = -73

inv_name = af_fireball = Fireball
Radiation-Restore = -10
Endurance-Restore = -36

inv_name = af_cristall = Crystal
Radiation-Restore = -15
Endurance-Restore = -27

inv_name = af_blood_emerald = Emerald Stone Blood
Impact = +40 %
Bullet Resistance = -5 %

inv_name = af_blood = Stone Blood
Health-Restore = +100 %
Radiation-Restore = -3
Impact = -3 %
Rupture = -3 %
Radiation = +3 %

inv_name = af_mincer_meat = Meat Chunk
Health-Restore = +200 %
Radiation-Restore = -5
Impact = -5 %
Rupture = -5 %
Radiation = +5 %

inv_name = gold_art_name = Gold Chunk
Health-Restore = +300 %
Radiation-Restore = -11
Impact = -10 %
Rupture = -10 %
Radiation = +5 %
Telepathy = +20 %
Chemical Burn = +10 %

inv_name = af_soul = Soul
Health-Restore = +300 %
Radiation-Restore = -10
Impact = -7 %
Rupture = -7 %
Radiation = +10 %

inv_name = af_electra_sparkler = Sparkler
Endurance-Restore = +27
Electric Shock = -10 %
Radiation = -10 %

inv_name = af_electra_flash = Flash
Endurance-Restore = +64
Electric Shock = -10 %
Radiation = -10 %

inv_name = af_electra_moonlight = Moonlight
Endurance-Restore = +100
Electric Shock = -10 %
Radiation = -10 %

inv_name = af_ameba_slime = Slime
Bleeding-Restore = -67 %
Burn = -20 %
Chemical Burn = -10 %

inv_name = af_ameba_slug = Slug
Bleeding-Restore = -133 %
Burn = -10 %
Chemical Burn = -10 %

inv_name = af_ameba_mica = Mica
Bleeding-Restore = -233 %
Burn = -5 %
Chemical Burn = -10 %

inv_name = af_red_spring = Ruby Spring
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Impact = +16 %
Explosion = +6 %
Bullet Resistance = +4 %

inv_name = af_dummy_spring = Spring
Impact = +10 %

inv_name = af_dummy_dummy = Dummy
Impact = +4 %

inv_name = af_red_battery = Ruby Battery
Endurance-Restore = +182
Inventory-Radiation = +10
Impact = +8 %
Electric Shock = +16 %
Explosion = +5 %
Bullet Resistance = +2 %

inv_name = af_dummy_battery = Battery
Electric Shock = +15 %

inv_name = af_pellicle = Ruby Pellicle
Health-Restore = +700 %
Bleeding-Restore = -33 %
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Impact = +5 %
Bullet Resistance = -50 %

inv_name = af_dummy_pellicle = Pellicle
Chemical Burn = +15 %

inv_name = af_dummy_glassbeads = Glassbeads
Bullet Resistance = +5 %

inv_name = af_rusty_thorn = Thorn
Radiation-Restore = -5
Bleeding-Restore = +100 %

inv_name = af_rusty_kristall = Crystal Thorn
Radiation-Restore = -10
Bleeding-Restore = +100 %

inv_name = af_rusty_sea_urchin = Urchin
Radiation-Restore = -20
Bleeding-Restore = +100 %

inv_name = af_fuzz_kolobok = Kolobok
Rupture = +4 %

inv_name = af_life_heart = The Living Heart

inv_name = af_caterpillar = Plasma Caterpillar
Radiation-Restore = -15
Bleeding-Restore = -133 %
Burn = +15 %
Rupture = +15 %
Bullet Resistance = +1 %

inv_name = af_part_monolit = Heart of the Poltergeist
Health-Restore = +300 %
Satiety-Restore = +833 %
Endurance-Restore = +91
Bleeding-Restore = -200 %
Inventory-Radiation = +85
Burn = +10 %
Impact = +10 %
Electric Shock = +10 %
Rupture = +10 %
Telepathy = +20 %
Chemical Burn = +10 %
Explosion = +10 %
Bullet Resistance = +13 %

inv_name = af_electro_crystal_thorn = Electric Crystal Thorn
Satiety-Restore = -8333 %
Bleeding-Restore = -33 %
Inventory-Radiation = +3
Chemical Burn = +25 %
Bullet Resistance = +5 %

inv_name = af_arhara_globus = Rattle
Satiety-Restore = -8333 %
Inventory-Radiation = +5
Burn = +10 %
Impact = +5 %
Telepathy = +20 %
Chemical Burn = +5 %
Bullet Resistance = +2 %
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