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 Everybody in the bar is hostile

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Posts : 21
Join date : 2018-07-28

Everybody in the bar is hostile Empty
PostSubject: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2018 - 3:51

Im pretty sure its a bug but when i returned from yantar after doing a few quest and retrieving documents some stalkers outside the bar and in it are hostile including the technicians in the back all but the barkeep. I tried to backtrack to see what mission caused this and i could only get as far as i when i first arrived in yantar, i went back to rostok and they were all still hostile. The same thing happened twice before, one time when i took a mission from general vronin to steal some RG-6 launchers from freedom, i was able to turn in the quest prematurely without having do to anything and everyone turned hostile(in the bar). The second time after i returned from doing the quest Freemans (the one to retrieve the case) gives you after you return his deagle.
I have updated to 1.17, i assume this is a bug and dont know what to do, it appears most loners are hostile but not duty soldiers. I have emailed the Devs already(around 4 hours ago) Is there a fix to this or should i try to redownloading.

Last edited by NoodleMan on Sat 28 Jul 2018 - 5:26; edited 1 time in total
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Hipster Doofus
Hipster Doofus

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Everybody in the bar is hostile Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2018 - 4:55

Sounds like you killed a loner. You have to be sure to only kill enemies. Be careful when throwing grenades around. And you SHOULD NOT do quests prematurely. Let the game flow at it's own pace. Also take a look at the guide. That will help you.
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PostSubject: Re: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2018 - 5:27

Hi NoodleMan
    I had a similar problem when every one hates the sight of you/me, I do not know were you
  are in the play through, but what I did was cut out a fair few hard saves like 25 or so and did
  all the tasks again with a lot more care, no short cuts do all in order as tight as you can, it
  worked for me but even now I have no idea what I did wrong, what ever it was, was in that
  batch of saves, possibly it was revolving around that RG-6 and working with the Cook and the
  eggs being done to in the wrong order, alternatively you accidentally killed a stalker/freedom
  bod, that has some bad reactions, hope that this will help, others will offer ideas and spot
  obvious errors,

I concur with HipsterDoofus, all so roll back on your saves like about 10 or
so and see were the hostility starts, as is said you probably killed some one.

Last edited by nemisis1842khann on Sat 28 Jul 2018 - 5:33; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 21
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PostSubject: Re: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2018 - 5:31

Hipster Doofus wrote:
Sounds like you killed a loner. You have to be sure to only kill enemies. Be careful when throwing grenades around. And you SHOULD NOT do quests prematurely. Let the game flow at it's own pace. Also take a look at the guide. That will help you.
That might of been the cause one of the 3 times it happened but it wouldn't explain the 2 other times where i came back from yantar and when i turned in the bugged quest from the duty general. Im going to try to fix this using the Attitude changer and Godmode. Thanks for the suggestion of checking the guide forums.
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PostSubject: Re: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2018 - 5:47

nemisis1842khann wrote:
Hi NoodleMan
    I had a similar problem when every one hates the sight of you/me, I do not know were you
  are in the play through, but what I did was cut out a fair few hard saves like 25 or so and did
  all the tasks again with a lot more care, no short cuts do all in order as tight as you can, it
  worked for me but even now I have no idea what I did wrong, what ever it was, was in that
  batch of saves, possibly it was revolving around that RG-6 and working with the Cook and the
  eggs being done to in the wrong order, alternatively you accidentally killed a stalker/freedom
  bod, that has some bad reactions, hope that this will help, others will offer ideas and spot
  obvious errors,

  I concur with HipsterDoofus, all so roll back on your saves like about 10 or
 so and see were the hostility starts, as is said you probably killed some one.
Im fairly certain it has to do with some quest, i like to do as many sidequest as i can in the area im in before i move on in the next main quest. It was most likely a sidequest that set it off. I also noticed that after i got Freemans deagle and returned it to him some stalkers outside the bar at the camps were hostile but no one in the bar, hunter was missing from the bar a random stalker taking his place, but the marker still saying he was there. I cant go back in my saves because i was messing with the launcher settings and around 170 got deleted leaving me with 175-200 (right when i arrived in yantar to after i was done with the yantar area) i went back to right when i had arrive at yantar retraced my steps and everyone in the bar was hostile. Im 100% that coming into yantar triggered everyone in the bar to be hostile and turning in that bugged mission that the Duty general gives. As for where i am in the story the last save(175) i have is when i dont have the documents from yantar and the most recent is after im done in the yantar area(gotten the documents for the barkeep and the merchant in north most cordon, and a minigun for adrenaline). im going to spend some time trying to fix it with the Attitude changer and come back.
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PostSubject: Re: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2018 - 7:28

The attitude changer didn't work, I wrote each and every npc's name and put them their names into the attitude changer and i recorded their results. it usually came back in the message feed as "npc: (npc name), was rel (0,1,2) Turnip: 1988" I noticed that there were nine 2's and that there were nine npc aggro'd to me, so i can assume that, 0 means dead, 1 means alive and not hostile, and 2 means alive and hostile. 2 npc's came resulted with "was rel 0", one was "stalker rostok" which was probly a loner i had to kill because he was hostile to me, and another was "kostya" who was oddly still alive. All but nine of the npc's resulted in "was rel 1" so assume those are the non hostile nps's in the area. The nine that resulted in "was rel 2" i assume were the 9 hostile npc's that are perma aggro'd to me. And after i put the name in it say "set goodwill" instead of the "get all npc names" it would usually do if i got it wrong. I think im missing an input but i dont know where.
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PostSubject: Re: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2018 - 11:39

The attitude change have you tried sid it cost an arm and leg , it works most times, the alternative
is a rerun from the about 200, I know that's a real pain, been there dun that but that would appear
to be your only choice, if you chop a lot of saves do not delete make a folder some were and store
them , I have had this sort of thing when all are hostile, but if you have over 100 saves run back
to about the last 50 or so save, test load one at a time till you get hostiles, then restart from the
that save when you were liked, some times a restart that clears niggles, one that tripped me up
was some dialogue that had 2 choices that were not obvious, I think it was in Yantar there was a
was a big block of dialogue that had 2 different avenues, I rolled back a lump of saves to find the
problem, on the surface I would say go back till most liked you and then find who you up set,
probably some thing silly like saying yes instead of no...
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PostSubject: Re: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitimeSat 28 Jul 2018 - 18:45

I guess i'll have to go with sidorovich since i dont have enough saves to go back in, thanks for the help everyone
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PostSubject: Re: Everybody in the bar is hostile   Everybody in the bar is hostile Icon_minitime

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