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 Two names for Warehouses location?

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PostSubject: Two names for Warehouses location?   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2019 - 7:25

Hi, I was just looking through the Box where players ask questions and notice one which mentions "Army Warehouses"; this the name I always recall used. I realise the '40 map is not up to date but just use it as an example, for on there Army Warehouses is called "Military Warehouses". This latter title seems more appropriate since when MO is looking for Mole, and enters Agroprom, the Loner just inside, says ... the military are about to..." iirc. 
Just thought it worth mentioning.

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PostSubject: Re: Two names for Warehouses location?   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2019 - 10:27

TrueB wrote:
Hi, I was just looking through the Box where players ask questions and notice one which mentions "Army Warehouses"; this the name I always recall used. I realise the '40 map is not up to date but just use it as an example, for on there Army Warehouses is called "Military Warehouses". This latter title seems more appropriate since when MO is looking for Mole, and enters Agroprom, the Loner just inside, says ... the military are about to..." iirc. 
Just thought it worth mentioning.

There are no references to the 'Military Warehouses' in the current incarnation of the game

This is because the military are no longer using it, and keep their warehouses elsewhere for safety

Stalkers, however, still refer to the area as 'the old Army Warehouses'
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PostSubject: Two Names for Army location   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2019 - 12:09

Sword2012 wrote:
TrueB wrote:
Hi, I was just looking through the Box where players ask questions and notice one which mentions "Army Warehouses"; this the name I always recall used. I realise the '40 map is not up to date but just use it as an example, for on there Army Warehouses is called "Military Warehouses". This latter title seems more appropriate since when MO is looking for Mole, and enters Agroprom, the Loner just inside, says ... the military are about to..." iirc. 
Just thought it worth mentioning.

There are no references to the 'Military Warehouses' in the current incarnation of the game

This is because the military are no longer using it, and keep their warehouses elsewhere for safety

Stalkers, however, still refer to the area as 'the old Army Warehouses'
Thanks Sword, I think I should desist from commenting until I play again. By the way, my PM save box is at least a third full. If it did fill up, is there a way of emptying its contents, into  a separate PC drive, please? I look forward to your reply, regards, TrueB.

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PostSubject: Re: Two names for Warehouses location?   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2019 - 12:31

TrueB wrote:
my PM save box is at least a third full. If it did fill up, is there a way of emptying its contents, into  a separate PC drive, please?

To keep the forum's memory footprint small, there's no way of archiving within the forum to my knowledge

For the same reason, posts are often edited to keep them concise, and links are preferred to large files, as stated in the forum rules

Best to just keep your Inbox and Outbox tidy and current, and copy/paste anything you want archived to a Notepad file on your PC
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PostSubject: Two names for warehouses location.   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeTue 19 Mar 2019 - 3:21

Sword2012 wrote:
TrueB wrote:
my PM save box is at least a third full. If it did fill up, is there a way of emptying its contents, into  a separate PC drive, please?

To keep the forum's memory footprint small, there's no way of archiving within the forum to my knowledge

For the same reason, posts are often edited to keep them concise, and links are preferred to large files, as stated in the forum rules

Best to just keep your Inbox and Outbox tidy and current, and copy/paste anything you want archived to a Notepad file on your PC
Hi Sword, I have pressed "replies to the Save Box". Copy/paste to Notepad file seems the best option. So if I click select all, in the Save Box how do I cut and paste the PMs into the notepad file, please? Will PMs in  the Notepad file, open as they do in the PM area, please?
You mention "Forum Rules", I clicked on the shortcut for Forum Rules, but was unable to access them. How do I access them, please? I look forward to your advice, Regards, TrueB.

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PostSubject: Re: Two names for Warehouses location?   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeTue 19 Mar 2019 - 9:36

TrueB wrote:
I have pressed "replies to the Save Box". Copy/paste to Notepad file seems the best option. So if I click select all, in the Save Box how do I cut and paste the PMs into the notepad file, please? Will PMs in  the Notepad file, open as they do in the PM area, please?
You mention "Forum Rules", I clicked on the shortcut for Forum Rules, but was unable to access them. How do I access them, please?

If you move PMs into the Save box, you'll run into the same problem eventually, and your Save box will fill up rapidly. The Save box is just a way of getting messages out of your Inbox, so it's only a temporary solution

If you want to save a message permanently, then open the message, highlight all the text you want to keep, and press Ctrl C to copy it

Then in your Notepad (my preference is the free and vastly superior 'Notepad++') file, and press Ctrl V to paste it in. You can organise this text in any way you want

If anyone knows a more efficient way of archiving PMs, please feel free to post here

The Forum rules are here
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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PostSubject: Two names for warehouses location   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeWed 20 Mar 2019 - 15:10

Sword2012 wrote:
Above post:
Thank you Sword: If all in Savebox are selected, there is an option to save to profile; in profile there is an option  to save to disk. For about 3 seconds something comes up saying something like click in email to acknowledge, but each time I look at all my email folders and there is no message re this to acknowledge. If I knew how this worked, I think it would be good since I email using a tablet pc, so selecting blocks of text is more difficult for me than using my computer.
Thanks also for the Rules link. 
Regards, TrueB.

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PostSubject: Re: Two names for Warehouses location?   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeThu 21 Mar 2019 - 15:07

TrueB wrote:
Sword2012 wrote:
Above post:

Thank you Sword: If all in Savebox are selected, there is an option to save to profile; in profile there is an option  to save to disk. For about 3 seconds something comes up saying something like click in email to acknowledge, but each time I look at all my email folders and there is no message re this to acknowledge. If I knew how this worked, I think it would be good since I email using a tablet pc, so selecting blocks of text is more difficult for me than using my computer.
Thanks also for the Rules link. 
Regards, TrueB.

This is a new option after the last update of the forum.
When you save all your PM's to your profile ->
go to the profile -> information tab and then click on the 'save' button or on the 'Export Data' text.
After that, you should receive the confirmation mail on your mail account used for registration on this forum.
Confirmation mail text:
Hello  TrueB,

You receive this e-mail because you have requested to export your account data on the forum "STALKERSOUP" -

To initiate the export procedure for your user account data, click on the following link :

You will then receive an e-mail containing a download key. This will allow you to generate the archive of your personal data.

Second mail text:
Hello TrueB,

To finalize the export procedure of your user account data on the forum "STALKERSOUP" - , use the following download key :


You must fill it in the field dedicated for this purpose in the "Data export" section of the "Information" tab of your profile after clicking on the "Download" button when it becomes available.

After a certain time, you will see a note on the information tab:
The generation of the archive containing your personal data is being processed...

It will be available for download during 24h from Thu 28 Mar 2019 - 14:06.
Wait on the particular day and use the key from the second email...

PS. This time schedule is for my export!
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PostSubject: Saving pms to profile & c   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 0:32

Aleks1970 wrote:
Above post:
Hi Aleks, when the confirmation link appeared, by the time I had reacted, it had gone. I tried it twice more and couldn't move quick enough. Is it possible to set it to stay until clicked please? 

EDIT: Hi Aleks, and Sword, I have just updated my profile, as I realised I had 2 different email addresses entered; so I have now entered the one I use mainly in both 'fields'. Perhaps this will help the final move as per your instructions, which I will try again.
I do appreciate all your kind and altruistic help.
Thanks and all the best, TrueB.

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PostSubject: Saving pms   Two names for Warehouses location? Icon_minitimeThu 2 May 2019 - 21:49

Aleks1970 wrote:
Above posts:
Hi Sword, I first will try on my laptop your suggestion of notepad, and I will try again the new method you mention. Please accept a vote from me for your help with this. I was only thinking of my tablet pc above. Now my laptop has been sorted, I can use that as I do for my lists. Regards, TrueB and have an enjoyable bank holiday weekend.

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