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Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_vote_lcapFiles that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_voting_barFiles that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_vote_rcap 
Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_vote_lcapFiles that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_voting_barFiles that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_vote_rcap 
Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_vote_lcapFiles that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_voting_barFiles that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? I_vote_rcap 
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 Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps?

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Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps?   Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Icon_minitimeTue 26 Feb 2019 - 9:06

Hi, whilst checking a drive for all things *soup, I came across 3 Microft Office 10 Excel files which have Rows: locations, and Columns: weapons, artefacts, and uniforms.
Afaik, these files were produced when I gamed in 2016. My current Office is 2019 Home and Business, which suggests, I should not amend them.
If there is a Dropbox for Stalkersoup related files, I can attempt, to drop them in. I would much prefer to send them to whoever manages such things. Anyone downloading them, once they have arrived, who has 2010 or more recent MS Office, should be able to use them and add to them too since I would send them as working files. Regards, TrueB.
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Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps?   Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Icon_minitimeTue 26 Feb 2019 - 23:10

AFAIK there isn't any file storage specifically for Stalker files. Mostly we use personal storage space and provide 'share' links in the Game Guides section. I think Sword uses DropBox, I use Google Drive which came free with my Google account.
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Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps?   Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Icon_minitimeWed 27 Feb 2019 - 0:01

A problem is keeping the files up to date. Anything produced in 2016 will be out of date by now, and can no longer be used as a reference. Even Plesskyn's guides are now obsolete and, while parts of them are still valid, a player can never know which parts No

I have to keep updating the Installation Help Guide, just to keep it current and in sync with both the game installer and the problems players face. And each time I need to reinstall the game, I find the Guide needs to be rewritten too...   Crying or Very sad  

Your Office 2019 should be backwards-compatible with your old files. As the original author, if you wanted to bring them up to date to make them definitive then we could certainly host them and post links in the Game Guide section

But please bear in mind that, as the game continues to grow, everything in there, unless kept updated, will have a limited shelf life - just like the 2010 NS guide - an historical documentation of how the game was back then...
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Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps?   Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Icon_minitimeWed 27 Feb 2019 - 6:50

pchester wrote:
AFAIK there isn't any file storage specifically for Stalker files. Mostly we use personal storage space and provide 'share' links in the Game Guides section. I think Sword uses DropBox, I use Google Drive which came free with my Google account.
Hi pchester, I was thinking that iirc I may have supplied a copy of the file to anyone who wanted one, as when players stash items, the benefit of this excel document is that it enables players to keep tabs on where they stashed uniforms, artifacts and weapons. I put mine on a laptop whilst I played the game on a pc. The advantage is that rather than pen and paper noting or even clicking on known but possibly in need of scrolling stashes, the contents can be seen at a glance. I mark in red when I have obtained eg a gun, so if trading, I don't buy the same item twice. Of course this excel doc would work for any item in the game. I should say that, whilst I am happy to share it with anyone, if it was wherever other files can be downloaded by everyone, this would be less arduous and, perhaps other players have documents that they find useful that they have come up with which would also be useful to other players, that could be shared from a central source. Regards, TrueB.
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Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps?   Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Icon_minitimeWed 27 Feb 2019 - 7:11

Sword2012 wrote:
Above post
Hi Sword, 
The reason I thought of offering this aide memoir in Office 2010 is because Office 365 and Office 2019 will open an Office 2010 document. Whereas, if players had MS Office in any post 2010 format, they may not own the still very new standalone Office 2019, which with other old documents of mine asks to save with 2019 features which may mean their formatting might not work with other Office programs whereas a 2010 excel document would. I even have the free Office 365 on my Android tablet pc. So could open the 2010 doc on this.
I feel that as any item can be put in the descending lefthand column, and the top column has at least the places MO can go in Level 0, and these can be added to very easily, the document is sufficiently organic to be unlikely to become obsolete for anyone downloading it; so they may save it in the version of Office they have, including the free ones, so it can be updated easily. Of course, anyone can do this for themselves; however as the doc is already set up, it may be considered worth trying.
I will certainly be using it, as soon as I load Stalkersoup again.
Regards, TrueB.

EDIT: Further to your comment, Sword, should I send the document and if so to which address please?
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Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps?   Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Icon_minitimeFri 1 Mar 2019 - 2:13

TrueB wrote:
Above post

I'm no expert on this as I rarely use Excel, but if it's anything like the difference between the old .doc and the newer .docx files, if you decide to continue working with the file, simply choose NOT to save with the new 2019 features (which certainly won't be needed), or save your work using the original file extension

The file should then keep its original formatting and compatibility with the older versions of Excel

Last edited by Sword2012 on Fri 1 Mar 2019 - 13:45; edited 1 time in total
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Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps?   Files that could be accessed when downloading Stalkersoup files perhaps? Icon_minitimeFri 1 Mar 2019 - 11:23

Hi Sword, the file is in Office 2010 Excel .xlsx format at present. I will make sure the file is working before posting it. Thanks and regards, TrueB.
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