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 Vitamin bug

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Join date : 2019-01-20

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PostSubject: Vitamin bug   Vitamin bug Icon_minitimeThu 14 Feb 2019 - 23:08

Ok so i've discovered a bug that apparently isn't new but i could not find a fix for so i had to make my own. Upon completion of the warlabs raid with freedom faction, after talking to vitamin and receiving the gold freedom bar, the freedomers at the base in the army warehouses are enemies. All freedomers listed in my rankings are freinds still though.  The only way i found to fix this so far is to take the warlabs exit to AW, let them shoot at you but dont shoot back, warp to sidorvich and then pay him to make them neutral, and warp back to AW.  interestingly, the freedom members on the rankings and in pripyat are still friends but lukash and the rest at the base are now neutral.  

Hopefully anyone else encountering this can fix it and carry on as normal in the game.

Good hunting stalkers!
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PostSubject: Vitamin bug   Vitamin bug Icon_minitimeFri 15 Feb 2019 - 9:37

Hobo_sauce wrote:
Ok so i've discovered a bug that apparently isn't new but i could not find a fix for so i had to make my own. Upon completion of the warlabs raid with freedom faction, after talking to vitamin and receiving the gold freedom bar, the freedomers at the base in the army warehouses are enemies. All freedomers listed in my rankings are freinds still though.  The only way i found to fix this so far is to take the warlabs exit to AW, let them shoot at you but dont shoot back, warp to sidorvich and then pay him to make them neutral, and warp back to AW.  interestingly, the freedom members on the rankings and in pripyat are still friends but lukash and the rest at the base are now neutral.  

Hopefully anyone else encountering this can fix it and carry on as normal in the game.

Good hunting stalkers!

Hi Hobo, this is a good solution as normally it is Duty that attacks MO if he carries the bar eg onto the Dump/Garbage.
Because in Recon Earth the Avengers are not enemies if MO has the bar, what I used to do, since "normally" Freedom are friendly, is to put the gold Freedom bar + eg a bottle of vodka (and perhaps one of Akim's locks) in a stash-sack just inside the Recon Earth side of the Recon Earth / Warehouses transition so on returns to Recon the bar should keep the peace for MO among the Avengers. The purpose of the extra object eg vodka, is to ensure when on return to Recon Earth and picking up the "bar", the sack doesn't get picked up as well. Since MO doesn't need the "bar" in Warehouses but does in Recon Earth, you may find this solution cheaper. Regards, TrueB.

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PostSubject: Re: Vitamin bug   Vitamin bug Icon_minitimeFri 15 Feb 2019 - 12:08

Hobo_sauce wrote:
Ok so i've discovered a bug that apparently isn't new but i could not find a fix for so i had to make my own. Upon completion of the warlabs raid with freedom faction, after talking to vitamin and receiving the gold freedom bar, the freedomers at the base in the army warehouses are enemies. All freedomers listed in my rankings are freinds still though.  The only way i found to fix this so far is to take the warlabs exit to AW, let them shoot at you but dont shoot back, warp to sidorvich and then pay him to make them neutral, and warp back to AW.  interestingly, the freedom members on the rankings and in pripyat are still friends but lukash and the rest at the base are now neutral.  

Hopefully anyone else encountering this can fix it and carry on as normal in the game.

Good hunting stalkers!

you not forced carry to freedom bar. drop to gold bar.
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PostSubject: Re: Vitamin bug   Vitamin bug Icon_minitimeFri 15 Feb 2019 - 15:46

TrueB wrote:
Hobo_sauce wrote:
Ok so i've discovered a bug that apparently isn't new but i could not find a fix for so i had to make my own. Upon completion of the warlabs raid with freedom faction, after talking to vitamin and receiving the gold freedom bar, the freedomers at the base in the army warehouses are enemies. All freedomers listed in my rankings are freinds still though.  The only way i found to fix this so far is to take the warlabs exit to AW, let them shoot at you but dont shoot back, warp to sidorvich and then pay him to make them neutral, and warp back to AW.  interestingly, the freedom members on the rankings and in pripyat are still friends but lukash and the rest at the base are now neutral.  

Hopefully anyone else encountering this can fix it and carry on as normal in the game.

Good hunting stalkers!

Hi Hobo, this is a good solution as normally it is Duty that attacks MO if he carries the bar eg onto the Dump/Garbage.
Because in Recon Earth the Avengers are not enemies if MO has the bar, what I used to do, since "normally" Freedom are friendly, is to put the gold Freedom bar + eg a bottle of vodka (and perhaps one of Akim's locks) in a stash-sack just inside the Recon Earth side of the Recon Earth / Warehouses transition so on returns to Recon the bar should keep the peace for MO among the Avengers. The purpose of the extra object eg vodka, is to ensure when on return to Recon Earth and picking up the "bar", the sack doesn't get picked up as well. Since MO doesn't need the "bar" in Warehouses but does in Recon Earth, you may find this solution cheaper. Regards, TrueB.

But the issue isnt the gold bar you see. I tested multiple ways of doing this i.e dropping the bar inside warlab, teleporting to cordon to stache it before going to AW. No Matter which way i did it, the second i complete the quest with vitamin inside the lab, every freedom member inside the aw base turned from friendly to enemy for no reason. and its only the members in the base. even lukash turns from green to red but the guys in pripyat and guarding the radar transition are still green. its some kind of bug with the mission completion.
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PostSubject: Re: Vitamin bug   Vitamin bug Icon_minitimeFri 15 Feb 2019 - 21:02

Hobo_sauce wrote:
Above post

Hi Hobo, Have you tried the suggestion I made? If you make a full save of the game, then reload where you first acquired the gold bar, you could try it, and this would be before you found the Freedom bug. If it works, it may help others, if not, you can say so, then reload to your full save, deleting any saves made by the game after your full save first, and nothing is lost but time, if it works you don't have to pay Sid re Freedom enemies. Regards, TrueB. Ps: unless new, it worked for me in 2016 as did the Vitamin task, iirc.

EDIT: Hi Hobo, I just found a comment I made to Grimwald re the gold bar award 4 years ago, where my MO had the Freedom Gold Bar on him whilst talking to a friendly Lukash. Normally if a friendly side turns red it is because you may have accidentally killed one of that faction, so my comments re leaving the bar in Recon may work there, it had nothing to do with your problem as you say: apologies.
If you send your transition save on entering Warehouses, a save when they turn red, and a screenshot to TB, he hopefully will sort out your bug

EDIT: Though I apologised re the vitamin bug as I thought my technique might help, regarding stashing the Freedom Gold Bar in a stashbag just before the transition from Recon Earth to Warehouses, I have since realised I was mistaken is incorrect in relation to travel with the Freedom Gold Bar. For I have since recalled that other factions react when the gold bar is carried into their territory, so to put it into a stash bag inside recon earth, possibly won't make avengers friendly. As it cannot be stashed in Garbage as Duty would be enemies when MO picked up, the only convenient place imo to stash it and have Recon Avengers friendly is on in the Warehouses in the log stash, just before MO would go through the transition into Recon Earth. Then when MO wanted to travel into Recon Earth he could collect the gold bar from the log and have the Avengers Friendly in Recon Earth, replacing it in the log on his exiting. I hope this makes sense.

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PostSubject: Re: Vitamin bug   Vitamin bug Icon_minitime

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