Subject: Latest dialogue updates Sat 24 Nov 2018 - 17:34
Apologies for not keeping this section updated, as the most recent work has been the ongoing rewriting of the main storyline dialogues
But here's what's also been done in the Dialogues and Descriptions Department recently, to be included in a forthcoming dialogues patch
pchester's complete rewrite of the 'string_table_arhara' file
Five misleading clues in Collector corrected
Changed most, if not all, Diary entries from the second-person perspective 'You need to [do this task]...' to the more immediate first-person 'I need to [do this task]...'
Finally completed the 'stable_repair_dialogs' file. Only 30 files now left uncompleted out of 154!
Every individual SMS message (other than the few residing in the script files) is now in decent English
Not only that, but each SMS has been checked to be within the 196 character limit - so it doesn't crash the game when summoned
The main storyline dialogues have been rewritten up to the point where you need to get the Flight Recorder from the helicopter in Pripyat. In addition to radiation, this is an area of intense anomalous gobbledegook, but we're steadily pushing our way through the verbal sh*tstorm, further than any lexicological cryptologist has ever gone before...
pchester is now working to get each of the 600+ stash locations in the game into decent English, while personalizing them to each Stalker who left them...
The 'kontroller_diaries' file contains recovered diary entries found on dead Controllers trying to expose what happened to them, and comprise 33 of the longest, most incomprehensible pieces of machine translation imaginable. Trying to get one's head around these, and into the mindset of the political prisoners writing them, is a veritable nightmare - but with 6 of them painstakingly rewritten by sjohnson, and another 8 extracted from LampGenie's recent translation in NS DMX, we're on our way to putting this absolutely diabolical file to rest...
Here is my dilemma . While checking for updates at my StalkerSoup update file option, the new dialogues for 19.1 is available. I am running 19.5 and it is now stable. Will updating to the 19.1 diag. files cause a disruption? Thank You !!
Here is my dilemma . While checking for updates at my StalkerSoup update file option, the new dialogues for 19.1 is available. I am running 19.5 and it is now stable. Will updating to the 19.1 diag. files cause a disruption? Thank You !!
That's odd, because if you're playing 1.10019.5 you should already have the latest official version of the dialogue files
If you go into the Bar and
talk to Garrick the guard, he should start telling you about 'stalker soup'.
If this doesn't occur, then your dialogue files are not up to date and you'll definitely need them
Usually, dialogue-only patches should not cause a problem with your game
There is a minor dialogue update due soon, but Aleks is in the process of integrating it with the new patch
sf67n20 likes this post
sf67n20 Novice
Posts : 32 Join date : 2017-12-03 Age : 75 Location : Washington State
Here is my dilemma . While checking for updates at my StalkerSoup update file option, the new dialogues for 19.1 is available. I am running 19.5 and it is now stable. Will updating to the 19.1 diag. files cause a disruption? Thank You !!
That's odd, because if you're playing 1.10019.5 you should already have the latest official version of the dialogue files
If you go into the Bar and
talk to Garrick the guard, he should start telling you about 'stalker soup'.
If this doesn't occur, then your dialogue files are not up to date and you'll definitely need them
Usually, dialogue-only patches should not cause a problem with your game
There is a minor dialogue update due soon, but Aleks is in the process of integrating it with the new patch
Thank You ..I will do that asap and get back to you/forum .
sf67n20 likes this post
TrueB Master
Posts : 961 Join date : 2017-06-03 Location : 76
Subject: Latest Dialogue Updates Mon 22 May 2023 - 5:18
Sword2012 wrote:
Apologies for not keeping this section updated, as the most recent work has been the ongoing rewriting of the main storyline dialogues
But here's what's also been done in the Dialogues and Descriptions Department recently, to be included in a forthcoming dialogues patch
pchester's complete rewrite of the 'string_table_arhara' file
Five misleading clues in Collector corrected
Changed most, if not all, Diary entries from the second-person perspective 'You need to [do this task]...' to the more immediate first-person 'I need to [do this task]...'
Finally completed the 'stable_repair_dialogs' file. Only 30 files now left uncompleted out of 154!
Every individual SMS message (other than the few residing in the script files) is now in decent English
Not only that, but each SMS has been checked to be within the 196 character limit - so it doesn't crash the game when summoned
The main storyline dialogues have been rewritten up to the point where you need to get the Flight Recorder from the helicopter in Pripyat. In addition to radiation, this is an area of intense anomalous gobbledegook, but we're steadily pushing our way through the verbal sh*tstorm, further than any lexicological cryptologist has ever gone before...
pchester is now working to get each of the 600+ stash locations in the game into decent English, while personalizing them to each Stalker who left them...
The 'kontroller_diaries' file contains recovered diary entries found on dead Controllers trying to expose what happened to them, and comprise 33 of the longest, most incomprehensible pieces of machine translation imaginable. Trying to get one's head around these, and into the mindset of the political prisoners writing them, is a veritable nightmare - but with 6 of them painstakingly rewritten by sjohnson, and another 8 extracted from LampGenie's recent translation in NS DMX, we're on our way to putting this absolutely diabolical file to rest...
Congratulations to you, Sword, pchester and all the Dialogue Team, on a task well-done and towards your inevitable success. Many thanks for all your altruistic commitment and hard work. Best Regards TrueB
Here is my dilemma . While checking for updates at my StalkerSoup update file option, the new dialogues for 19.1 is available. I am running 19.5 and it is now stable. Will updating to the 19.1 diag. files cause a disruption? Thank You !!
That's odd, because if you're playing 1.10019.5 you should already have the latest official version of the dialogue files
If you go into the Bar and
talk to Garrick the guard, he should start telling you about 'stalker soup'.
If this doesn't occur, then your dialogue files are not up to date and you'll definitely need them
Usually, dialogue-only patches should not cause a problem with your game
There is a minor dialogue update due soon, but Aleks is in the process of integrating it with the new patch
Thank You ..I will do that asap and get back to you/forum .
I finally had a chance to check with Sword's suggestion and Whaalaa , I am on page to continue with 19.5 revision(s). Garrick does speak to StalkerSoup in 19.5. Yea !