Greetings fellow Stalkers,
I love, love, love the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. In fact I own every game twice.
(One regular copy plus the collectors-edition of all three games)
I´m aware of this project pretty much since it started and I triple love Stalkersoup.
Some info about me:
I am from Earth and at this very moment of writing, my body is 36 years old, I attended a school for glasscraft and design,
used to work as a graphics designer and studied timebased and interactive media.
Unfortunately, I´m pretty bad as a programmer ´cause I´m more into graphics and video but I know a bit about it.
Life tends to treat me like the Zone from time to time (but without the possibility of fortune) so at the moment I work as some kind of postal-dude. Package tossing you know?
People with some knowledge of classic computer games know, we are a very dangerous species.
But no worries, I see Stalkersoup and everyone connected to it as a friend.
As an attempt to contribute, I already created an alternate version of the inventory wich I plan to post this weekend.
Hope you will like it. See you.