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 Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices

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PostSubject: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeWed 21 Jun 2017 - 5:23

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

This app allows you to open an in-game guide on your tablet or phone to avoid switching screens.

To download the app without using google play, simple copy the applications url into the following website to download.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Please note, this does not violate any copy rights as the app is free for personal use.
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Hipster Doofus
Hipster Doofus

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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeWed 21 Jun 2017 - 5:41

I tried it but my eyes ain't that good enough anymore, especially on the phone. No What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeThu 22 Jun 2017 - 2:17

i've been using it for sometime... it helps big time
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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeFri 7 Jul 2017 - 16:34

Wow! Thanks for creating the topic.

I took the guide from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

And [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for using the guide in the app.

I am planning to make an app or for Stalkersoup and previous experience with NS DMX app has made me realize that I should :

1. Make separate apps for Artifact recipes and Guide
2. Host the guide on the web and call it from the app to handle the enormous size of Game and hence the guide.

See, it is clear that the guides are rich with graphics and will take a lot of space in small phones and will possibly require memory and performance.

I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to handle maps, guides, artifact cooking, item encyclopedia, mutant encycopedia and more.

The best way or me is to start with the guide as it is the primary focus.

I need the links to the latest available resources regarding the following:
1. Maps.
2. Guides.
3. Artifact cooking.
4. Item encyclopedia.
5. Mutant encyclopedia.

What I offer is to create an app tailored for Stalkersoup which can satisfy the players Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeFri 7 Jul 2017 - 16:52

Ok, I can help with some things....

1. Maps can be taken directly from the game by using the pda and pressing F12.
This takes a screen shot and saves it in Jpg format in your SS _appdata directory.
(I dont think this works with other versions of the mod, Only with SS.

2. The guides are very dis-organsed as I said, but the 2010 guide that you were using is still the main guide that players use.. As for the differences they may be hard to find quickly... The game is so big that organising anything takes a great deal of time and effort. Personally I think it need to be re-written from the ground up, but that could take over 5 years of heavy modding, which simply demands far too many resources and man hours..

3. Artefact cooking. This was added either by AMK or DMX, the game has the option to use the transmuter, and device kept in your inveory, its like an automatic transmutation device.

The guide written by sword can help you vastly with this, as he took weeks and even months sorting all the information out and correcting numerous errors in the artefact statisitics..

4. Item encyclopedia. Many items do not work in SS. there are simply so many that it takes weeks and months to fix them. the weapons were supposed to be overhauled a few months ago, but I'm not sure if that was completed for the latest patch or not.

The armour descriptions were also worked on, but I'm not sure if that was completed either.

the descriptions themselves are also vast in text. litterally taking 100's of pages of text.
I had hoped that all broken items would be removed from the soup, and later added in properly, but this did not happen for one reason or another (most probably due to time constraints).

5. The mutant encyclopedia is small fish compared to your other tasks!!!

As for the photo space taken up by the jps, I have no idea how you can get round that.... I'll have to have a think about it...

As for te pdf.. I belive its about 15mb in size, which is manageable... with corrections and more detailed photos, I think about 20mb is do-able..

provideing its less than 40mb, I think people wont complain about the size... as for the app, thats another issue...

I noticed your code is in text format, which is easy to edit any errors... but I have no idea how to code and dont have a great deal of solutions for that...
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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeFri 7 Jul 2017 - 21:36

Thanks for the reply. It is very supportive and encouraging for me.

1. Zoomable maps, done. But Maps with landmarks, stashes, filters will follow. It just occurred to me that I shall start with this Map feature alone and build up on that. It is one way to start Smile

2. See, if the guide code is openly available on Github, anyone can contribute. With collaboration, organization may become easier.

3. Does the transmutation device mean that artifact cooking is going to be deprecated? Is it slowly being removed from the game? I will look into Sword's guide for sure.

4. 5. Lets pass the encyclopedias until the game evolves out of more pressing issues. Very Happy


See, JPGs look very much understandable even if the quality is removed drastically. Converting a 100kb into 20kb won't make it unrecognizable, while still delivering the message. I'll compress the shit out of them if needed.

Can I have the link to that PDF which is 15mb in size? (so far, I only saw 100mb+ files :/)

I will make the app in Android studio, which can make tiny sized apps whereas, Unity engine compiles clutter into the final product which does increase size. And where needed, I will call content from my web server to compensate for size. That will make it possible to host 100s of Mbs of data without sacrificing anything.

The code on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is in C#. But this time, it will be in Java and possibly in XML.

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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeSat 8 Jul 2017 - 1:21

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The usual guide is here... 14.98mb.

But it needs extra photos in my opinion...

as for 3. I dont know what you mean exactly... you still need to stand by the anonaly to make it work, but it means you cannot "mess up the cook" basically the transmutation device automatically shows you the available cooks depending on your selection. you can either throw things into the anomaly manually, or enter all the ingredients into the device. So I expect both methods will stay in the game, since there is no need to remove either...

the transmutation device is far easier to use however...

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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeSat 8 Jul 2017 - 1:37

Hi codeonion

Nice app, and potentially very useful to have alongside the game  Very Happy

I've just been trying it on my tablet and widescreen monitor, so here are some comments...

I didn't like the addition of ads in the app. I know they're common nowadays in return for something free, and my system filters out ads anyway, but everything everyone has ever done for any STALKER mod, including this StalkerSoup, has been for no financial reward, so I'm starting this off with a large 'BUT' in my mind...  Mad

Nonetheless, the app looks good on my widescreen monitor, but on my 8.4" tablet all the text is far too small to read, let alone touch accurately, and there's no obvious way of making it larger

The text needs editing and proofreading, especially as many textual discrepancies have already been fixed in StalkerSoup I.e. Dzjejms (James/Jameson) is now DeJames. As you may have guessed, editing and proofreading is my speciality...  Smile

You can still cook artefacts using recipes, even if you don't have the transmutator. I don't yet have this in the game, but I've heard it makes cooking easier  Smile

The artefact recipe guides are here
Plesskyn's Recipes v.3
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Enhanced Recipe Menu for 1.10010 onwards
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Adding to what Steve has already told you, the encyclopedia, plus artefact, anomaly, mutant, weapon, and armor descriptions, are still being worked on, and get better with each monthly patch. We've been at it for 18 months, and I thought it'd all be finished by now, but we'll be lucky if it's completed this year. The dialogues alone are so confusing that we need to play the game completely to the end to get it all in context. And then we'll need to start again to tidy it all up...

But we're always happy to help with anything StalkerSoup-related, and a new guide is desperately needed, so please stay in touch so we can work together Smile
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PostSubject: Updates on Interface, performance and progress   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeTue 18 Jul 2017 - 19:49

I am so glad to know the community is so supportive.

The app is being worked on, with great attention towards performance and usability.

From the previous app, I learnt that Unity engine kept me from making what I exactly wanted. I also learnt that if I have to make a game, only then I should use Unity. Otherwise, Android Studio is best for GUI based apps, as is the STALKERSOUP Guide.

Here is the Main menu for planned features. (only the Old Stalkersoup Guide is being worked on Smile )

Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Screen10

And here is the Interface to read chapters.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


I have received many many MANY PM on ModDB about text being small, large etc.

This will be solved in this app.
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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeWed 19 Jul 2017 - 2:11

codeonion wrote:
Here is the Main menu for planned features. (only the Old Stalkersoup Guide is being worked on Smile )

The only suggestion I'd make here is to add a date for the old and new guides, to distinguish them from the others out there

I.e. Old STALKERSOUP Guide (11 Nov 2010)

Otherwise, please keep up the good work, and feel free to request help. We usually achieve more, and avoid duplication of effort, by working together Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices   Old NS Guide for use on mobile devices Icon_minitimeWed 19 Jul 2017 - 2:23

Now, I am kinda lost.

My understanding (which may be wrong) is that :

Guide is at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Nov 8th, 2016

Guide is at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Mar 8th, 2017

Now, I am looking for STALKERSOUP guide.

Can you kindly point me towards the correct Old and new guides? Maybe I am asking the wrong question?
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