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 IDK if I'd installed the game properly...

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IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Empty
PostSubject: IDK if I'd installed the game properly...   IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Icon_minitimeMon 14 Nov 2022 - 14:53

So a few days ago I said that I reinstalled the game completely from scratch and started a new playthrough but I've been getting really annoying bugs and wanted to ask everyone if I'm the only one getting them.
- using a medkit after drinking vodka crashes the game
- after finishing the second round in the arena, instead of leaving, it starts another round but with no enemy. so im basically stuck.
- there are 2 one handed slots, one for a detector and one for a gun, but I can't use the one for the detector

If you could compare those to your game and tell me if I'm the only one, that'd be great.

PS : Who the f... decided to put 15 burers and some electrical bloodsucker in the X-16 tunnel ?! Are you out of your mind? It's a good thing I buy every grenade I find.
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PostSubject: Re: IDK if I'd installed the game properly...   IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Icon_minitimeMon 14 Nov 2022 - 19:06

Hi Fardir,

I haven't come across the vodka problem, but I just tested drinking vodka followed by using each type of medkit. Apart from getting very drunk, I didn't have any problems. I don't know why your game crashes doing this, but I suggest you try waiting for the effects of the vodka to wear off before taking any meds. Or use an Antipohmelin (alcohol tolerance) pill if you have one, it removes drunkenness instantly.

The arena has been buggy for some time, although usually it happens to me in the later stages. You can use the teleport menu to 'Bar' to escape, but you will arrive without your gear and have to trek back to Arnie to retrieve it from his box... so watch out for mutants along the way. Try asking Arnie for another fight, but if he offers you the same one again (as you didn't officially 'finish' it the first time) and the same thing happens again, I am afraid the Arena is done as far as you are concerned. (There are currently no mutant fights on offer, TecnoBacon removed them some time ago - I think because of game stability issues.)

As far as I know, the second 'pistol' slot has never worked. Hand-held detectors and similar items have to go in the working pistol slot. 

As for, the Burers... well, you wouldn't want life in the Zone to be easy, would you?
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IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Empty
PostSubject: Re: IDK if I'd installed the game properly...   IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Icon_minitimeTue 15 Nov 2022 - 5:00

Yep, it was mainly the medkit bug that really annoyed me. It crashes even when I use it with a bandage or with a broken leg. So I guess I installed the mod improperly...

Thank you pchester!
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PostSubject: Re: IDK if I'd installed the game properly...   IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Icon_minitimeTue 15 Nov 2022 - 11:05

I don't understand why it would be an installation issue, but that really isn't my area of expertise.

One final thought. Are you using a hotkey to use a medkit, or are you 'using' it directly from your inventory? If you use a hotkey, there might be a conflict somewhere. Try changing it to a different key. Or try using a medkit from your inventory screen and see if it does the same thing. Just clutching at straws, but you never know...
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PostSubject: Re: IDK if I'd installed the game properly...   IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Icon_minitimeTue 15 Nov 2022 - 13:16

I tried 3 ways and all of them crashes the game.
- F1 hotkey
- double click from inventory
- right click -> use
When I was playing the game from the moddb files, I never had these issues, and quite frankly, I had much fewer problems :/
I even found a new bug that was kinda problematic but since I'm quite geared now it's ok :
I bought an x8 artefact container from sakharov and it instantly opened in the shop menu and couldn't be closed. I kept spamming every hotkey I could to close it but nothing worked.
Apparently the solution was to switch between my old and new container with the arrows so I could close it.
Even after figuring this out, the second container somehow disappeared from my inventory forever...

(Note that I tried giving a container to myself instead with the Esc + S menu but I had the same bug)
If you need, I can show you all of these bugs on discord, I speak english and russian if necessary.
PS : Climbing the top left garbage pile at the Dump crashes the game x)
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PostSubject: Re: IDK if I'd installed the game properly...   IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Icon_minitimeTue 15 Nov 2022 - 13:36

Due to personal reasons I've not played the game for several months, but when the recent patch was released I had a similar crashing issue when using a hotkey (M) to use a medkit. I've not used any alternative methods since, but I'll try pchester's recommendation when I restart

The two small weapon slots are for the specially-matched dual-wielding Makharovs which you can find individually during the game. I remember them working in the previous patch, though I've not tried them in the current one. If you're not using these, then only one of these slots will work for a standard sidearm or detector

Finally, if you've installed the game using the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], then that's the best you can do for now. Many new dynamics were added in the new patch, which unfortunately added a new set of bugs to discover... 

So welcome to StalkerSoup, the game that continues to push 32-bit to its absolute limits  Twisted Evil

EDIT: Just a thought, but when you reinstalled the game did you eradicate every last trace and registry entry from the obsolete ModDB installation?
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PostSubject: Re: IDK if I'd installed the game properly...   IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Icon_minitimeTue 15 Nov 2022 - 13:47

Sword2012 wrote:
EDIT: Just a thought, but when you reinstalled the game did you eradicate every last trace and registry entry from the obsolete ModDB installation?
Yep I did, otherwise I couldn't install the game because the installer checks the version from the registry.
So I had to open regedit, ctrl + F stalkersoup and delete everything I find. Eventually the installer started working.
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PostSubject: Re: IDK if I'd installed the game properly...   IDK if I'd installed the game properly... Icon_minitime

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