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  Zombies are friendly in Wild Territory and Yantar

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 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar Empty
PostSubject: Zombies are friendly in Wild Territory and Yantar    Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar Icon_minitimeSun 8 Nov 2020 - 16:13

I started a new game, as I have for years now, but this is the first time this has happened, game version is 19.1 and I have already played that version and everything was fine. I did not modify anything about the relationship between the factions.

I started with the main mission mostly.
In the Wild Territory the zombies didn’t shoot at me, that was suspicious to me
and when I arrived in Yantar, at first I was surprised that the two bandits at the start of the map were friendly, I later discovered that zombies are friendly in W. Terr. as well as in Yantar and X16.

It affects the reputation as well as being a friend / foe, after completing the mission, specifically, while I was in X16, Proschaysolyankin was a friend, when I returned to Yantar and completed a couple of missions for Sakharov, he returned to the enemy

Does anyone know what the problem is and whether it happened to anyone ?

W. Territory
 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar VafhaDK

 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar 8lpNd6e

 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar BBMSCYO

 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar X0OQFdg

 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar RZCNLq9

when I was in X16
 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar MDUoAL6

when I returned to Yantar from X16
 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar MCfRykm
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies are friendly in Wild Territory and Yantar    Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar Icon_minitimeMon 9 Nov 2020 - 13:48

Sorry Strelok981, I don't know why the Bandits and Zombified Stalkers in those areas aren't hostile to you. There are specific circumstances in the game where some bandits and Zombified NPCs become non-hostile
but I don't see how either of those would affect you here. I suggest that you either ignore them or kill them and carry on. Hopefully those factions will behave 'normally' elsewhere.

If their odd behaviour becomes a problem, send a save game to Aleks ( adoler(at) ) with an explanation and he may be able to figure out why it is happening.

(I don't remember meeting an NPC called Proschaysolyankin - and I'm sure I would have remembered that name! - so I assume that I usually just kill him along with his friends!  Twisted Evil )
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies are friendly in Wild Territory and Yantar    Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar Icon_minitimeMon 9 Nov 2020 - 19:33

Other than everything pchester suggested, the only idea I can add is that you might have inadvertently become a zombie yourself, especially if you've been looting zombie corpses without carrying protection

Zombification is a gradual process, and the vast majority of zombies don't know they've turned...

One way to find out is to visit Sid at the Rookie Village and see if you get the dialogue option "How can I get on better with a faction?" to reverse your zombified state. If you do, then you're a zombie...

Another is to carefully observe if everyone else is trying to kill you because, you know, you're a zombie...

There are three ways to reverse the process:
1. Pay Sid 250,000Ru to help you out
2. Go into the Modders Script and change Line 266 'zombie' to False
3. Revert to a previous save where you weren't a zombie

Please let us know how you get on, before publishing your memoirs 'My New Life as a Zombie - What to Expect When You're Unexpected'
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies are friendly in Wild Territory and Yantar    Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar Icon_minitimeMon 9 Nov 2020 - 20:28

pchester wrote:

(I don't remember meeting an NPC called Proschaysolyankin - and I'm sure I would have remembered that name! - so I assume that I usually just kill him along with his friends!  Twisted Evil )

That name is first on the list, so I mentioned it, when I am in Yantar, then it says on my list that Proschaysolyankin it is my friend, and when I go to Bar, then on the list it says that it is my enemy. It changes on its own when I switch to another map.

Sword2012 wrote:
Other than everything pchester suggested, the only idea I can add is that you might have inadvertently become a zombie yourself, especially if you've been looting zombie corpses without carrying protection

I'm not a zombie, I'm a Loner Very Happy
I don't search for zombie corpses, just because of the negative effect.

Neutral with Duty
 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar EpWmTRc

A friend of the Loners in Cordon Village
 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar CEuRmKe

I visited Sid and there is no option to get back to normal because I am not a zombie, only zombie friends are with me.
 Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar ImFbv38

I've been playing SS for years and this never happened to me, I even played this version 19.1 last time and got to Army Warehouses, but I started a new game because I had too many tasks on the list and didn't know where to go first.

I don't know what happened, the only real flaw is that my reputation goes from excellent to terrible, because I kill zombies who are actually my friends.
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PostSubject: Zombies are friendly in wild territory and yantar    Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar Icon_minitimeTue 24 Nov 2020 - 9:35

Previous post:

Stalkersoup does throw up glitches that can be advantages. It has been reported that Military were friendly in Chernobyl, my MO killed all the Bandits in Dark Valley yet returned later to find the Bandits friendly. On occasion the 2 bridge soldiers in Dark Valley are friendly after X18. In Radar 2, there is sn Army guy who is often friendly except if treated when wounded when he attacks. Personally, I view it as a bonus.
When zombified something that happened when I hadn't known not to touch them, it used makes vision defective, and Sak's door would remain closed. Sak does sell pills against zombification and there is a device he sells which protects players against it. As pointed out, it can also be turned off in the Modders.Script. However, you have not been zombified, so the best advise is to ignore it or as mentioned, go back to a time the Zombies were hostile.
Sid can help if MO has fallen out with a faction like Duty but zombies are in all factions and I have not known Sid to offer his payoff to counter being a zombie. Almost every faction will shoot MO as a zombie including loners, so even getting to Sid from Wild Territory or Yantar would be difficult and as with the start of the game, Sid's door would likely be locked to.
That is put in for any other player thus affected. Personally, I would not shoot friendly Zombies, for unfriendly ones can be surprisingly accurate.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies are friendly in Wild Territory and Yantar    Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar Icon_minitimeThu 26 Nov 2020 - 19:12

I read more carefully what pchester wrote and I remembered what the cause might be,
at the beginning of the game, before going to the Dump, I used Esc - S, to look at artifacts, weapons, suits, and I especially looked at everything with a word isomorphic and I remember  Smile  but I sold it all to Sid and I forgot about it all.

A little while ago I started a new game and I decided to test the theory, I used Esc + F2 to go to Yantar, Zombies were enemies, as they should be, then I used
and zombies became friends, even when I didn’t carry and when I didn’t have with me, that friendship remained permanent.

It was wonderful to go to Yantar and X-16 and be attacked only by mutants,
I will leave one hard save game, at the current location, but I will start a new game, because of this "butterfly effect".

Thanks everyone for the answers.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombies are friendly in Wild Territory and Yantar    Zombies are friendly in  Wild Territory and Yantar Icon_minitime

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