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'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... I_vote_lcap'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... I_voting_bar'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... I_vote_rcap 
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 'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing...

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'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Empty
PostSubject: 'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing...   'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Icon_minitimeSat 26 Jan 2019 - 22:27

I talked to the cook and had vodka, idk if its necessary at that time. He told me to get eggs. Went to akim got the medicine, got the egg location. went to the forest got 7 eggs spawned 3 more after i got tired of looking. Went back to the cook got the rg-6 went to the duty commander with the rg-6 and he doesnt have a dialog related to it. The quest never went past find cook at freedom base. The quest for the eggs is completed.

Not sure how to fix this.
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'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing...   'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Icon_minitimeSun 27 Jan 2019 - 10:14

td3005 wrote:
I talked to the cook and had vodka, idk if its necessary at that time. He told me to get eggs. Went to akim got the medicine, got the egg location. went to the forest got 7 eggs spawned 3 more after i got tired of looking. Went back to the cook got the rg-6 went to the duty commander with the rg-6 and he doesnt have a dialog related to it. The quest never went past find cook at freedom base. The quest for the eggs is completed.

Not sure how to fix this.

Unfortunately the RG-6 that the cook gives for the eggs is not the one that Voronin wants. No idea why, I guess he is just picky Rolling Eyes. He wants the one that is
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'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing...   'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Icon_minitimeFri 5 Apr 2019 - 5:08

pchester wrote:
td3005 wrote:
I talked to the cook and had vodka, idk if its necessary at that time. He told me to get eggs. Went to akim got the medicine, got the egg location. went to the forest got 7 eggs spawned 3 more after i got tired of looking. Went back to the cook got the rg-6 went to the duty commander with the rg-6 and he doesnt have a dialog related to it. The quest never went past find cook at freedom base. The quest for the eggs is completed.

Not sure how to fix this.

Unfortunately the RG-6 that the cook gives for the eggs is not the one that Voronin wants. No idea why, I guess he is just picky Rolling Eyes. He wants the one that is
I have found, much to my surprise, that if I have the grenade launcher that attaches to most non-nato rifles, this satisfies Voronin when he asks for it, or at least, did for me in 2016. If the Agroprom mission has been completed, MO should have plenty of these to give one to Voronin. 
Good idea about extracting things; I wonder if it works with artefacts in anomalies?

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'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing...   'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Icon_minitimeFri 5 Apr 2019 - 11:49

TrueB wrote:
Good idea about extracting things; I wonder if it works with artefacts in anomalies?

In addition to shifting fallen bodies out of an NPC's path, the gravity gun will access artefacts, dead mutants, and other stuff from behind fences and other impossible to reach places. Personally, I find it such a useful tool that I carry it with me constantly...
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'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing...   'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Icon_minitimeFri 5 Apr 2019 - 13:03

The gg is very useful in the "crater" in Recon. If you've ever tried collecting the artefacts there, you'll know why. affraid
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'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing...   'Get the RG-6 from the Freedom base' not advancing... Icon_minitime

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