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 A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items

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A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Empty
PostSubject: A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items   A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Icon_minitimeThu 3 Jan 2019 - 13:54

Money is important in the Zone, especially early on, and it is tempting to sell everything you find. However, many of the unique or unusual finds in the game are required for missions, and if you lose a mission item you won't be able to complete that mission.  Shocked

When you pick something up, you may get a message to deliver it to the mission-giver, in which case make sure you don't give it to someone else first (yes, we've all done it! Rolling Eyes ). If it is one of several items that the NPC requires, you may not see a message until you find the last item, so it is up to you to remember who wants what. Refer back to the Task List if you aren't sure. If you think something may be important, the safest thing to do is to stash it somewhere just in case (preferably with one of Akim's locks for protection!). Very Happy

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A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Empty
PostSubject: Re: A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items   A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Icon_minitimeThu 3 Jan 2019 - 19:04

Nice tip, i keep all unique itens in a safe =)
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A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Empty
PostSubject: Re: A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items   A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Icon_minitimeFri 25 Jan 2019 - 15:23

pchester wrote:
Money is important in the Zone, especially early on, and it is tempting to sell everything you find. However, many of the unique or unusual finds in the game are required for missions, and if you lose a mission item you won't be able to complete that mission.  Shocked

When you pick something up, you may get a message to deliver it to the mission-giver, in which case make sure you don't give it to someone else first (yes, we've all done it! Rolling Eyes ). If it is one of several items that the NPC requires, you may not see a message until you find the last item, so it is up to you to remember who wants what. Refer back to the Task List if you aren't sure. If you think something may be important, the safest thing to do is to stash it somewhere just in case (preferably with one of Akim's locks for protection!). Very Happy
Yes, i always have a back pack with a lock for my quest items. It helps alot to do it like that, as some quest items has a long gap in between each other, like Akim quest, so to make sure you dont mess up, get a stash bag close to where you know you will need to collect the items, and drop them of to the collector.
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A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Empty
PostSubject: Re: A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items   A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2019 - 9:07

WhiteWolf wrote:
Above post:
Yes, i always have a back pack with a lock for my quest items. It helps alot to do it like that, as some quest items has a long gap in between each other, like Akim quest, so to make sure you dont mess up, get a stash bag close to where you know you will need to collect the items, and drop them of to the collector. Hi WhiteWolf, putting a GPS unit in a stash, gives info on the contents and location of stashes, putting one in a stash bag with eg a bottle of vodka, where something important is situated eg the tunnel in Yantar entrance on the scientist's bunker side as with a tractor blocking line of site, I often use this idea to mark the entrance, and in other hard-to refind locations. Putting a bottle in a stash bag, also means if eg artefacts are stored in one, the bag remains on the ground if all but the bottle are taken; otherwise the bsg will be lifted as well.

EDIT: Hi, do Akim's locks actually work, please? Blue metal boxes used to be safe, but they all seem to be dark green now. I have in the last fortnight seen the metal green box in the Bar used as a huge stash safely, and without a lock, so have dark green bins the same safe properties as blue bins generally had, please?

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PostSubject: Re: A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items   A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2019 - 10:42

TrueB wrote:
Hi, do Akim's locks actually work, please?

Akim's locks do what they say they do in their description - they stop NPCs from nicking your stuff, whether it's in a box or a stash bag

If you don't have a lock then you need to find an area that NPCs don't frequent

And if you don't have a convenient box or stash bag, you can dump your stuff anywhere - but bear in mind that this tends to splash extraneous code around which can lead to memory overload, slowdowns, and crashes in that area No
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PostSubject: Re: A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items   A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Icon_minitimeMon 18 Mar 2019 - 11:59

Sword2012 wrote:
TrueB wrote:
Hi, do Akim's locks actually work, please?

Akim's locks do what they say they do in their description - they stop NPCs from nicking your stuff, whether it's in a box or a stash bag

If you don't have a lock then you need to find an area that NPCs don't frequent

And if you don't have a convenient box or stash bag, you can dump your stuff anywhere - but bear in mind that this tends to splash code around that area which can lead to memory overload, slowdowns, and crashes in that area No
Thanks, Sword, looks like I will be looking for quirks  Cool .
I usually carry a couple of empty rucksacks plus GPS markers, once I have made some money.
The only time I drop items is when faced with psidogs, burras or controllers, I drop all the non-psi artifacts on me, to avoid having them cobblestoned. Afterwards, I pick them up again.
Thanks and best wishes, TrueB.

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A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Empty
PostSubject: Items   A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Icon_minitimeSat 11 May 2019 - 10:32

Artyom wrote:
Nice tip, i keep all unique itens in a safe =)
What a brilliant idea.

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PostSubject: Re: A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items   A tip for new players (and a reminder for us oldies!) - unique items Icon_minitime

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