Several traders sell a blue Nanosuit called the "Prototype Nanosuit V2". Sakharov can upgrade this with the usual night vision (PNV) and reinforcement.
1. The Nanosuit does not appear in Sak's list of suits that can be upgraded, but when he asks Marked one which suit, MO can reply "'Prototype V2' Nanosuit".
I suggest that the "'Prototype V2' Nanosuit" should be in Sak's list of upgradable suits, otherwise players might think that he doesn't upgrade it and end the conversation before that point.
2. When MO asks for the suit to be reinforced, there are three options offered:
update_outfit_sakharov_304 is the "'Prototype V2' Nanosuit".
The other options refer to different Nanosuits that are not currently available in the game, although they can be spawned in.
305 is the "'Antigravity' Nanosuit" and
306 is the "'Medic' Nanosuit"
I suggest that all three should be listed correctly. This would ensure that the correct descriptions will be ready whenever the other Nanosuits become available.
Screenshot of upgrade dialogue:
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