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 Collect the scientific records

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PostSubject: Collect the scientific records   Collect the scientific records Icon_minitimeMon 24 May 2021 - 14:47

find the three scientific records in the 3 labs
so i went to X16 X18 and radar
i found it at X18 in the room with refridgerator, level 2 where you find the second code, large room where you battle the mutant

but X16 and radar got nothing, ive looked everywhere. theres some kind of hint that in X16 it would be near ghost who died at the end of the corridor where you meet the controller, i checked all the cells and even toilets, nothing.
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PostSubject: Re: Collect the scientific records   Collect the scientific records Icon_minitimeMon 24 May 2021 - 16:04

WeebRemover4500 wrote:
find the three scientific records in the 3 labs
so i went to X16 X18 and radar
i found it at X18 in the room with refridgerator, level 2 where you find the second code, large room where you battle the mutant

but X16 and radar got nothing, ive looked everywhere. theres some kind of hint that in X16 it would be near ghost who died at the end of the corridor where you meet the controller, i checked all the cells and even toilets, nothing.

You can find it where the fake ghost died.
maybe the mutants lifted it up and dropped it elsewhere.
I would recommend you to look at all wire braided room
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PostSubject: Re: Collect the scientific records   Collect the scientific records Icon_minitimeMon 24 May 2021 - 21:15

As kaplumbaga says, the one in X-16 should be on the floor where Ghost's body was. If you fought any Burers there since, their force attack may have blown it elsewhere in the room.

The one in X-10 should be on the platform next to the Brain Scorcher switch.
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PostSubject: Re: Collect the scientific records   Collect the scientific records Icon_minitimeWed 26 May 2021 - 16:43

i went through X16 holding down F walking everywhere and it just wasnt there, i even climbed ontop of whatever i could where ghosts body was

i did the same with X10 at the last part with the control panels. sometimes the game glitches up hard, i came into a save and some of my artifacts from my belt were just gone, took me a while to figure out why i was getting radiation poisoning

its very difficult to navigate to find quest items, wasnt there a list of some sort in english on site that would tell you exactly what to type in to spawn a quest item etc? i also think i f*cked up myself from progressing in the game to red forest because i killed one guy that turned hostile, i did all i could to make him not hostile but it didnt work out, he started in cordon, went to garbage and when in dark valley turned hostile, cant seem to find the information thing to unlock travelling to red forest, should i just risk frying the whole game by force-travelling to red forest?
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PostSubject: Re: Collect the scientific records   Collect the scientific records Icon_minitimeThu 27 May 2021 - 8:43

Sorry WeebRemover4500, in that case I don't know why they weren't there- the three books spawn when you get the task, and there are no NPCs in the labs who might have picked them up. You can spawn in the missing books from the ESC+S menu - items tab - CORDON section - sak_book1, 2 and 3. The descriptions will tell you which ones you don't already have. When you have all three you should get a message to return to Sakharov.

I thought we had a spawnable items list here, but I can't find the link. However, Sword's post in this thread... [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ...has a link to a Spawn Menu Directory list on his dropbox. The post is dated 2017 so I don't know how up-to-date the list is...

Who did you kill? Fang gives you the task and the transition, so as long as you haven't killed him you should have both. (If you have killed Fang, your game is indeed forked!) If you have Fang's task to "Find the documents in the Red Forest for Fang", you should have a new transition from the southern edge of Radar to the Red Forest. If it isn't there, unfortunately there is no way to force it to appear, and you will have to manage without it. As long as you have the task you can safely use the ESC+F2 teleport menu to redforest. This will place you at the opposite end of the map from the Radar entry, but it shouldn't affect your mission to find Fang's documents.
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PostSubject: Re: Collect the scientific records   Collect the scientific records Icon_minitime

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