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| Subject: Prometheus Sat 12 Oct 2019 - 17:08 | |
| An article in the NewStatesman (NS) refers to the Prometheus statue. In SCOP and Stalkersoup it is situated by the cinema in Pripyat, and prominent in SCOP but also figures in Stalkersoup. - Spoiler:
In 1986 in the article and I opine googled photos, it was decontaminated and moved to what seems to be a location East, but on the south side of the complex that ends with the now capped destroyed reactor. If this is agreed, then it is a question of whether to move the statue only, for only the statue is in Chernobyl, now on a red brick plinth. I have sent the article and details. I suppose the workers assigned to the removal would have left its Pripyat site quickly thus that could be modded as the original wall, plinth but no statue. I have no sense of direction but the newly capped reactor appears to be about 3/4 mile to the west of the Prometheus statue.
A look on Google Earth shows the Prometheus statue to be now situated in the grassed area as MO enters the Chenobyl Area from Pripyat Arena across a bridge.
Last edited by TrueB on Sun 13 Oct 2019 - 3:41; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Spoiler added) |